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Be like Caleb

I have walked on the mountain

been to the promised land

I tasted of the honey

Ready to make a stand

But I will walk through the desert if you want me to

I know that I will walk on the mountain again

walking through the desert 

its hard to understand

its hard to believe

with people dying in the sand

I stood my ground

when unbelief was all around

I will walk through this desert

and one day walk on higher ground

I will walk through the desert if you want me to

I will trust you through the test giving you my best

I will walk through the desert but I know

I will walk on the mountain again

Psalm 66:10-12New King James Version (NKJV)

10 For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined. 11 You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our backs. 12 You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.

It's easier to have faith than to trust. Actually i think that trust is a deeper kind of faith. Not just a faith in what God can do but a faith in who God is. Believing that God is faithful and that He will keep His promises regardless of what we see or feel. 

Caleb stood in the promised land and believed that God was able to give them the land right then and there. He was ready to fight every giant and capture every city. He saw it, He believed it, He spoke it and he got it! 40 years later. Forty years of desert, forty years of disappointment, forty years walking with those who had rejected the promise among those that wanted to stone him and Joshua. It was not easy but Caleb trusted through the test. When finally he entered the promise land he was still full of vision and courage. 

I'm in a test right now. I want to trust like Caleb. I'm praying it won't be forty years or forty days but I'm trusting that God will bring me out to "rich fulfillment" I'm trusting (believing) that though Im walking through the desert, I will walk on the mountain again, soon!

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